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Finding Resilience in a Chaotic World 


When the world seems out of control we can fight or we can flow. Super resilience is the process of trusting life deeply and flowing in the places of greatest opportunity, strength and groundedness.


Participants in the program have experience tremendous shifts in their lives:


* a greater sense of peace and calm even on the craziest days.

* an increased ability to see opportunities and possibilities all around them

* deeper connections with loved ones, colleagues and friends

*a sense of trust in life and their purpose in it. 


What is super resilience?



The ability to feel safe in any circumstance.



The capacity to recognize and receive the support that is being offered to you every moment.



The understanding that you are not broken or damaged. But rather you are whole, connected and strong.



 The ability to enter into relationship in a place of fluidity and openness allowing yourself and the other to emerge.


Clear Channel 

The capacity to release your need for control and to flow with life.


Embodied Being

The ability to be in your body and connected deeply to its wisdom.


Fully Sourced

The capacity to drink in the full energetic resources that you are being offered fully bringing you a sense of vitality and aliveness.



The ability to be able to see many possibilities to the same objective and not get attached to any of them so that you always have a way up the mountain.


I have designed a method for you to automate these eight areas so they work in your life behind the scenes. And I would love to teach you this.

For each one of the areas of super resilience I’ve designed a brain retraining to expand your capacity to be even more resilient. So over eight weeks, I will introduce you to one brain training a week. You will do one training several times in that week so that it really goes deep and the next week we will do another. This takes about 20 minutes a day and only needs to be done four days a week.

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Why is this free?


Up until a few weeks ago we were planning on charging $297 for this course. Even that felt low for the level of changes that people are getting in their lives from this work. 

Then a woman sent me a message. She thanked me for the course and told me a story. She had just come from the hospital where here daughter had overdosed for the second time. Luckily her daughter survived. She was able to take care of her daughter and herself and she return home feeling calm and grounded. She told me that would not have been possible without the work of Super Resilience. 

This email stopped me in my tracks. I realized there are so many people that need to feel more in control of their lives in a time when the world feels chaotic. And the work that I was offering can help people do just that. 

So we’ve decided to temporarily give the course away to help people in the time of most need. 

Yes, it costs us a lot to run this course, to develop the content and to support it on a day to day basis. But this feels to important not to do. So I hope you take advantage of my invitation and jump into this course. You can invite friends, family and loved ones, your community groups, churches and synagogues - anyone that you feel like we can help. 

Help us evolve the world together one person at a time. 


These were the words that resonated with me all day after Scott Mills' Super Resilient coaching. By feeling so safe and supported, I was able to carry out my day with peace, joy and above all relaxed.  

Straight after the coaching, one of my customers came in and looked at me and said " You look so different today. You are lighting up" 

Thank you Dr Scott for your generosity in sharing your gift with the world.


I have just listened to becoming a clear channel again. I love the way these units weave into each other. While singing my mantra in the shower this morning I thanked my body. My body took me on a glorious magical walk past wild flowers and fields and too the sea. This super resilience is leading me to great changes now i can really really feel safety and support. I could write a book. Thank you Scott Mills!


I am doing the exercises and bouncing back and forth between the mind and the heart, taking refuge in my safe place and breath out connection and breathing in love into people who are surrounding me from my ancestors to my 6 years old niece.
I am experiencing life with less anxiety and fear, less judgment and more love and compassion, more opportunities for connection and laughter, Less loneliness and isolation.
It is a delicious feeling! it is delicious to feel "being" and present. Thanks to you Scott Mills and all of you, my beautiful tribe.


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The Structure of Super Resilience


Week 1 - Find Safety No Matter What - Your brain is designed to look for danger. It is designed to couple one negative thought to another. This survivalist design is great for staying alive in the wilderness but doesn’t help us be our most resourceful in times of trouble. This Safety Reset will teach your brain that it can find safety no matter what’s going on. 


Week 2 - Allow All the Support You Can Handle - What if life is filled with more support than you have allowed yourself to notice? What if it’s just waiting to support you even more? The more you are able to expand your capacity for support, the easier it is to create the life you want. The Self Expansion process will allow your brain to see all the ways that you always have been and always will have the support you need.


Week 3 - Coming Back to Your Wholeness - We are all born whole and we can not be broken. The more you treat yourself as broken, see yourself as something to be fixed, the less you live from your resourcefulness. This week’s Return to Wholeness will allow you to connect to your own wholeness and resourcefulness in any moment.


Week 4 - Igniting Curiosity - We are explorers by nature. We long for the novel, the new, the unexpected. When we return to the delicious openness of curiousity, the ability to see ourselves and others as if for the first time, we open ourselves to new possibilities - we allow new opportunities to emerge. The Igniting Curiousity training will teach your brain how to return to your curious, open, invitational place where you invite life to show up in delightful and unexpected ways.


Week 5 - Clearing the Channel - It’s so easy to cling to the old rules in times of chaos. But when the old rules don’t work, the old expectations fail us, the old ways of doing things are what got us to the place we would like to depart - we must clear our ego channel, release control and partner with life to emerge in new ways. The Clearing the Channel exercise allows you to step out of your ego, release control and partner with life so you become flexible and adaptable to any circumstance. 


Week 6 - Stepping Into Our Bodies - We’ve been trained to live inside our heads. This makes us disconnected from the wisdom and delight of our own bodies and the bodies of others. The Stepping Into Our Bodies training trains your brain to connect deeply with your body and open to its wisdom, play and delight. 


Week 7 - Filling Up Our Vessel - So many people have been working so hard to make life work. Work, work, work and then die. There has to be more to life than this. When you get Fully Sourced - filled with energy and let that energy flow freely, you do more with less energy.


Week 8 - Expanding Your Possibilities - The more you able to open your perspective to see many, many possibilities to how you can create an experience without being attached to any of them, the more capable you are of architecting your life in the midst of a rapidly changing world. The Expanding Your Possibilities Exercise allows you to see more possibilities than you ever dreamed of all while inviting even more to show up. 

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