Finding Our Place in a World Gone Mad:

An Evolutionary Journey Into Prosperity & Success in Chaotic Times. 


Saturday July 20, 2024 11-2pm Eastern (RECORDING AVAILABLE)


Sign Up Here to be my guest for this powerful retreat. (Value $297).  You come as my guest. 

Space is limited. Reserve your spot now.

 I'm beyond excited to invite you to the grand opening of my new program, "The 8 Brains to Evolution: A Journey to Prosperity, Success, and Well-Being." I'm doing a little experiment to spread this work a bit further. I'm making the first class a spectacular event where people can experience profound transformation, whether they join the full program or not.


You're invited, as my guest, to our first retreat:




**Saturday, July 20, 2024

11 AM - 2 PM Eastern**

(Can't make it? No worries! Register anyway, and you'll get access to a limited-time recording.)

The World Is Changing Fast and Success is Being Reimagined

Let's face it – even the most successful people are reimagining what prosperity and success mean in today's world. Whether you're already happy with where you are but feeling the ground shift beneath your feet, or you're still searching for that elusive success, one thing's clear: your brain is the navigator of this wild journey we call life.


When your brain works with you, you can see possibilities where before you only saw challenges.   But when it isn't up to the challenge, you find yourself in all kinds of trouble: stuck, procrastinating, unclear where to go.


Time for Your Brain to Catch Up

I've been retraining people ( their brain's included) for decades.  This workshop will teach you some of the most cutting edge techniques and brain exercises to guide you to success and prosperity. 


In this transformative 3-hour adventure into the heart of calm itself, you'll:


1. **Decode the Chaos**

Gain a mind-expanding perspective on the changes sweeping our world. You'll realize it's not all about you – humanity is evolving, and understanding your place in this global shift will ignite new solutions and possibilities.


2. **Uncover Your Brainprint**

We'll bypass your stories and dive deep into what really makes you tick. Through a powerful exercise that's helped hundreds, you'll identify your unique way of navigating the world – your personal roadmap to success.


3. **Learn a technique to take you back to calm and grounded in less than 11 minutes**

Learn a game-changing technique to drop into a state of profound groundedness faster than you can order a latte. One student described it as "the deepest experience of groundedness she had experienced in her life."


4. **Tame the Meltdown**

Ever feel like your system is short-circuiting? You'll learn the mechanics behind these moments and elegant strategies to shift into a state of zen-like calm.


5. **Reset Your Neural Pathways**

Experience a guided, deep brain reset that will transform how you view the challenge or opportunity you bring to the session and open doors to your mind. 


6. **Unlock the 8 Key Brain States**

Discover the crucial brain states that feed success and prosperity. It's like giving your mind a gourmet meal of potential.


7. **Live Coaching**

Get personalized insights from yours truly, Dr. Scott Mills.


Bring a problem you're grappling with or a possibility you're excited about. Our journey will expand your perspective, deepen your insights, and open new doors in your relationship with this challenge.


Who am I to guide you on this adventure?

I'm Dr. Scott Mills, and I've been exploring the frontiers of human potential for decades. From writing a dissertation on deep cultural transitions to preventing HIV as a social worker, to nearly two decades in private practice – I've been in the trenches of human transformation.


My work has reached hundreds of thousands through platforms like Mindvalley and the Shift Network. But my true passion? Connecting human-to-human, helping people like you unlock their full potential.


What are you waiting for? Sign up now.

This workshop is your chance to dip your toes into the "8 Brains to Evolution" program. It's an opportunity to experience the power of this work firsthand and decide if you want to join us for the full adventure – a series of nine transformative workshops.


Ready to surf the waves of chaos instead of being pulled under? To find clarity in confusion and opportunity in change? Then join us for this wildly profound experience that just might reshape your entire approach to success and well-being.


Don't miss out – sign up now by entering your name and email below. You'll receive an instant invitation with the link to join our virtual gathering.


Let's connect, evolve, and unlock the full power of your amazing brain. I can't wait to see you there!


Space is limited. Reserve your spot now.