3 Payments of $197
1 Payment of $497

Watch the Finding Our Place in ? World Gone Mad Retreat Here

(available till July 31st)


Caution: Reading further may result in exponential growth, profound insights, and a life you actually love.

Have you ever wondered if there's a way to achieve true prosperity that doesn't require sacrificing your soul in the process?   

Does this sound like you...

* You’re seeking something more than the conventional roadmap offers—a life that's not just well-funded, but well-lived and deeply loved. 

* You crave a fullness that goes beyond bank balances, encompassing rich experiences, meaningful connections, and the luxury of time and energy to pursue what truly matters. 

Perhaps you've begun to suspect that the game has been rigged, that the system wasn't designed for souls like yours to thrive. 

You're not alone. 

Many of our clients are professionals, entrepreneurs, creatives, healers, and thought leaders who've felt like outsiders for much of their lives. They're acutely aware that conventional systems aren't working, yet feel trapped by traditional definitions of wealth and success. They're longing for a way to be prosperous that doesn't leave them exhausted, uninspired, or constantly hustling.

Our modern world seems designed to stunt our brain's evolution.


**Our culture has failed to provide the essential nutrients our brains need to flourish.**

Deep disconnection and relentless "you're never enough" messages leave us with developmental gaps, areas where our brains remain malnourished and unable to reach their full potential.

**We often become our own worst enemies in this process.**

Carrying heavy burdens of pain, suffering, and shame about not measuring up, we unknowingly anchor our brain's evolution, halting it in its tracks

**The path to unlocking your brain's full potential lies before you.**

This journey invites you to calm your mind amidst chaos, nourish neglected areas of your brain, and release the burdens holding you back. It's time to give your brain the environment, nourishment, and freedom it needs to truly evolve and thrive.

Good news: You're holding it in your hands.


 For hundreds of thousands of years, humanity has been on an incredible journey of evolution. And guess what? We're not done yet. Our brains are marvels of adaptability, constantly evolving to meet the challenges of our changing world. 

 Yet, despite this innate capacity for growth and transformation, many of us are using our brains in much the same way as our great-grandparents did. We're running 21st-century lives on ancient operating systems, struggling to keep up with the pace and complexity of modern life.


But here's the exciting truth: Your brain is built to evolve. It's designed to adapt, to learn, to expand its capabilities. The same organ that allowed our ancestors to survive in harsh wilderness can now help us thrive in our digital jungle - if we know how to tap into its full potential.

If you only get one thing from reading I hope it's this...

I would think by now you're proved this for yourself, but I'll say it anyway...

Your brain doesn't respond well to hard, quick-fix, magic pill approaches. In fact, it actively resists them.

Why? Because your brain's primary concern isn't your happiness—it's your survival. When you try to force rapid change, your brain perceives it as a threat. You might experience a momentary breakthrough, but it rarely sticks. Often, the old patterns come back even stronger, or the issue simply manifests in a different area of your life.

Work with your brain instead of against it!

The Human Evolution System' gentle, yet profoundly powerful exercises have been called a spa day for your brain. They make you feel good, which encourages your brain to embrace the changes you're seeking, rather than fighting against them. It's a cooperative approach that works with your brain's natural tendencies, not against them.

This unique approach has already helped thousands of my students and private clients achieve lasting transformation.

Whether I'm working with CEOs, artists, or individuals seeking personal growth, the 8 Brains to Prosperity Program offers a step-by-step, hand-in-hand journey to deep and sustainable change. It's not just about temporary fixes—it's about fundamentally reshaping how your brain operates to meet the challenges and seize the opportunities of our time.

3 Payments of $197
1 Payment of $497

 *The 8 Brains to Prosperity Program works with the brain to open the nervous system and the pathways to prosperity. 

The 8 Brains to Prosperity Program takes you step by step, hand in hand, down that path to deep transformation. Thousands of people have already benefited from this work. 

This unique approach has already helped thousands of my students and private clients achieve lasting transformation. Whether I'm working with CEOs, artists, or individuals seeking personal growth, the 8 Brains to Prosperity Program offers a step-by-step, hand-in-hand journey to deep and sustainable change. It's not just about temporary fixes—it's about fundamentally reshaping how your brain operates to meet the challenges and seize the opportunities of our time.   I'll let you know front there is an investment to be part of the program.  The value of the program I'll invite you into today is $2000.

Imagine what you could achieve if you could harness even a fraction more of your brain's incredible capacity. How would your life change if you could upgrade your mental "software" to match the demands and opportunities of our rapidly changing world?

The 8 Brains to Prosperity Program takes you step by step, hand in hand, down that path to deep transformation. Thousands of people have already benefited from this work.

This unique approach has already helped thousands of my students and private clients achieve lasting transformation. Whether I'm working with CEOs, artists, or individuals seeking personal growth, the 8 Brains to Prosperity Program offers a step-by-step, hand-in-hand journey to deep and sustainable change. It's not just about temporary fixes—it's about fundamentally reshaping how your brain operates to meet the challenges and seize the opportunities of our time.Are you ready to step into the next phase of your personal evolution? 

These five movements of the program work together to create a comprehensive approach to personal evolution, addressing both conscious and subconscious aspects of your mind to facilitate lasting, positive change.

3 Payments of $197
1 Payment of $497


This is about becoming fully present to your current state, without judgment. It's a grounding practice that helps you tune into your body, emotions, and thoughts. By arriving fully, you create a solid foundation for transformation, acknowledging where you are before embarking on where you want to go.



Here, we gently let go of what no longer serves you - be it pain, anxiety, grief, or limiting beliefs. This isn't about suppressing or ignoring these feelings, but about processing them effectively. We retain the wisdom gained from these experiences while releasing the emotional charge. 


This movement is about expanding your comfort zone and pushing the boundaries of what you believe is possible. We'll challenge your current perspectives and habits, encouraging mental and emotional flexibility. This creates space for new ideas, behaviors, and opportunities to enter your life.



In this phase, we recognize that you are a conduit for various forms of energy - whether it's nourishment, love, wealth, or creativity. We work on widening this channel, removing blockages that might be limiting what you can receive and give. This practice increases your capacity for abundance in all its forms.


The final movement is a deep recalibration of your entire system. Like Rolfing for the mind, this gentle yet profound process allows stuck patterns and beliefs to shift, finding new, more beneficial alignments. It's a chance for your brain to reorganize itself in a way that better serves your current goals and values.

3 Payments of $197
1 Payment of $497

 These 10 Retreats Create Deep Resets in Your Life.  

Module 1 | Finding Our Place in a World Gone Mad: A Journey Into Green Brain

Navigate chaos with clarity and calm. In this retreat, you'll:

• Gain perspective on global changes and your place within them
• Discover your unique "brainprint" for navigating life
• Learn to reset your nervous system in minutes
• Understand and manage emotional "meltdowns"
• Experience a profound brain reset tailored to your needs

Leave with a renewed sense of groundedness, practical tools for maintaining calm, and a clearer understanding of your role in our evolving world.

Module 2 | The Wide Open Now: Embracing Mental Spaciousness

 Discover the power of mental spaciousness. In this retreat, you'll:

• Experience deep bodily calm through embodied mindfulness
• Release emotional weight, making room in your heart
• Practice profound forgiveness, freeing yourself from past pain
• Learn the rhythm of release and restore
• Reset your entire system, beyond mere relaxation
• Gain tools to maintain spaciousness in daily life

Leave with a renewed sense of clarity, creativity, and peace, understanding how to create and consciously fill the space in your life.

Module 3 | Circles of Connection: Expanding Your Sense of Belonging

Explore true belonging beyond mere acceptance. In this retreat, you'll:

• Reconnect with your authentic self

• Realign with nature's rhythms

• Release pain and grievances towards life and others

• Invite genuine connections you desire

• Learn to foster belonging in all areas of life

Leave with a renewed sense of connection to yourself, nature, and humanity.

Module 4 | The Unbreakable Web: Weaving Personal and Collective Resilience


Discover true resilience as balanced living. In this retreat, you'll:

 • Connect to individual and collective strength

• Develop trust in life's ebb and flow

• Learn to disrupt victimization patterns

• Reclaim your personal power

• Practice maintaining equilibrium amid challenges

 Leave with practical skills to build sustainable resilience and tap into your innate strength.

3 Payments of $197
1 Payment of $497

Module 5 | Beyond Self: Discovering Your Role in the World's Unfolding


Align with life's greater flow. In this retreat, you'll:

• Redefine purpose beyond personal goals

• Explore your role in our collective evolution

• Release limiting cultural expectations

• Discover your deepest "yes" in life

• Expand your being to match your true purpose

Leave with a renewed sense of meaning and connection to life's larger currents.

Clients saying nice things about my work... 

Module 6 | Patterns in the Chaos: Seeing the Invisible Threads


Awaken to life's intricate web. In this retreat, you'll:

• Develop heightened sensitivity to systems and patterns

• Learn to ask more profound questions

• Tune your mind to perceive subtle connections

• Understand the systems shaping your life

• Experience deep connection to life's currents

 Leave with enhanced intuition and ability to navigate life's complexities.

3 Payments of $197
1 Payment of $497

Retreat 7 | Unseen Undercurrents: Diving into Streams of Possibility


Unleash your creative potential. In this retreat, you'll:

• Understand creativity as both individual and communal

• Learn to enter and direct states of flow

• Practice embracing fear and failure

• Expand your capacity for innovative thinking

• Access your deepest generative state

Leave with tools to approach life's challenges creatively and reimagine your future.


Module 8 | Patterns in the Chaos: Seeing the Invisible Threads

Experience heightened awareness. In this retreat, you'll:

• Cultivate a state of wonder and awe

• Release past self-disappointments

• Heighten your intuition

• Distinguish between fear and true insight

• Connect deeply with life's web

Leave with the ability to see beyond the obvious and navigate with greater wisdom.

Module 9 | Touching the Infinite: Releasing Into Transcendent Brain


Explore ultimate spaciousness. In this retreat, you'll:

• Experience states of no-thought

• Understand the human quest for transcendence

• Practice holding life's paradoxes

• Participate in a profound Oneness Meditation

• Learn to access transcendent states at will

Leave with the ability to find stillness in chaos and a broader perspective on existence.

Module 10 | Permission to Rest Like a Koala


Master the art of true relaxation. In this retreat, you'll:

• Learn deep relaxation techniques

• Practice restorative movement blending various traditions

• Experience a powerful sleep meditation

• Develop a balanced approach to doing and being

• Create personalized rest rituals

Leave with a toolkit for genuine rest and renewal, supporting your journey through all other brain states.

The Value of the program  is $2000. 

This is already a great return on your investment.  But, I just want people to do the work with folks.  And I get that I have to keep it at a level that is affordable.  So this course is offered at a level that makes it available for most people.  

$497 pay in full or 3 payments of $197

3 Payments of $197
1 Payment of $497

If you feel the program is calling to you but it's beyond your means, you can reach out to us for need based scholarship opportunities at [email protected] 

Meet Your Guide: Dr. Scott Mills, Ph.D.


Why am I the perfect person to lead you on this transformative journey? Well, imagine if Yoda and Bill Nye the Science Guy had a love child who grew up to be a neuro coach with a sense of humor. That's pretty much me! (My clients came up with that description and I love it!)

For over two decades, I've been at the forefront of integrating neuroscience, psychology, and mindfulness in ways that are not just profound, but actually fun and engaging. I wrote my dissertation on the deep developmental and cultural transitions we're experiencing as a species, and then I took that show on the road – literally around the world.

My journey has been anything but conventional. I've worked as a social worker preventing HIV, a college professor, and directed a theater company.  I’ve lived in major cities from Montreal to San Francisco to Washington, D.C.  My studies have included a Ph.D. in Religion and Psychology, post doc work in how the brain works, deep meditation practices in yoga and Tanta, and so much more.   Each experience has added a unique flavor to the potent brew of wisdom I'm excited to share with you.

I've had the privilege of teaching alongside some of the greatest minds in personal development. My work has been featured on international platforms like Mindvalley and the Shift Network, reaching hundreds of thousands of eager learners. But you know what? My favorite work is still the intimate, transformative experiences I create with people just like you.

What sets me apart is my unique ability to make complex brain science not just understandable, but immediately applicable to your life. I've been told I have a knack for explaining things in ways that make you go, "Aha!" and then immediately wonder, "Why didn't I think of that before?"

But don't let my playful approach fool you. The techniques and insights I'll share with you are grounded in cutting-edge neuroscience and decades of real-world application. I've helped everyone from CEOs to artists, from spiritual seekers to skeptics, find new levels of success, fulfillment, and yes, even fun in their lives.

I'm not here to give you quick fixes or temporary highs. I'm here to guide you through a profound rewiring of your brain – one that will leave you better equipped to navigate our chaotic world, tap into your deepest creative potential, and experience levels of prosperity and well-being you might have thought were out of reach.

So if you're ready for a journey that's as entertaining as it is enlightening, as practical as it is profound, then buckle up. The 8 Brains to Prosperity program is unlike anything you've experienced before, and I can't wait to be your guide on this adventure.

Our Live Call Schedule

Because we have so many people from around the world, we've designed the program to create deep and lasting change whether you attend live or listen in recording.  Our live retreats will be held every Saturday in September and October (except Oct 19th).  Our group calls will alternate between Thursday mornings at noon EST and Thursday evenings at 7pm EST.  All calls are recorded. 


No Risk Guarantee:

You can try out the program for 7 days and if its not for you, just us know and we'll give you a full refund, no questions asked.  


If you still have questions, reach out to us at [email protected]

3 Payments of $197
1 Payment of $497